
Competition Results: V-SLAM

  • Click here to download the detailed result.
  • Configuration of the benchmark PC:
    • CPU : i7-9700K 3.60GHz
    • Memory : 32G
    • GPU : Nvidia RTX 2070-8G
    • Hard Disk : Samsung SSD 850EVO 500G
Rank Participants Affiliation System Name APE RPE ARE RRE Badness Initialization Quality Robustness Relocalization Time Benchmark Score Average FrameRate Speed Penalty Final Score System Description
1 Zike Yan, Pijian Sun, Xin Wang, Shunkai Li, Sheng Zhang, Hongbin Zha Key Laboratory of Machine Perception(MOE), School of EECS, Peking University LF-SLAM 0.7155 0.4037 0.8115 0.2078 0.4554 0.7166 0.9972 0.9965 0.8331 30.0687 1.0000 83.31 Robust line tracking for monocular visual system (Doc would be uploaded after the acceptance of the paper)
2 Darius Rueckert University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Snake-SLAM 0.7543 0.5700 0.8229 0.2709 0.5183 0.7818 0.6685* 0.9974 0.8273* 106.1527 1.0000 82.73* Doc
3 Neo Yuan Rong Dexter, Toh Yu Heng Pensees AR-ORB-SLAM2 0.5511 0.3850 0.5280 0.2028 0.6020 0.7080 0.9947 0.9890 0.7778 31.0803 1.0000 77.78
4 Xinyu Wei, Zengming Tang, Huiyan Wu, Jun Huang Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences PL-SLAM 0.6036 0.4754 0.7354 0.2376 0.4551 0.8062 0.9985 0.9916 0.8245 27.5107 0.9170 75.61 Doc Slides
5 Ao Li, Yue Ni University of Science and Technology of China Dy-SLAM 0.7588 0.4390 0.7953 0.2002 0.5776 0.6018 0.9981 0.8578 0.8182 3.8851 0.1295 10.60 Doc

Note: the output trajectory files by Snake-SLAM (the final submitted executable program during the competition) denote the invalid poses by an identity one, i.e. (0 0 0 -0 -0 -0 1). Unfortunately, it does not fit the invalid pose format that we define, so our evaluation tool still regarded them as valid poses. As a result, the computed robustness score was affected. If we remove these invalid poses, the new robustness score of Snake-SLAM becomes 0.9348, and the final score is 87.17. Since this format issue was discovered after the competition, and did not appear in the results of other teams, the competition ranking can no longer be changed.

Competition Results: VI-SLAM

  • Click here to download the detailed result.
  • Configuration of the benchmark PC:
    • CPU : i7-9700K 3.60GHz
    • Memory : 32G
    • GPU : Nvidia RTX 2070-8G
    • Hard Disk : Samsung SSD 850EVO 500G
Rank Participants Affiliation System Name APE RPE ARE RRE Badness Initialization Quality Robustness Relocalization Time Benchmark Score Average FrameRate Speed Penalty Final Score (%) System Description
1 Shaozu Cao, Jie Pan, Jieqi Shi, Shaojie Shen Hong Kong University of Science and Technology VINS-Mono 0.6341 0.4225 0.4945 0.2429 0.8175 0.5678 0.8037 0.8572 0.7513 30.1062 1.0000 75.13 Doc Slides
2 Xinyu Wei, Zengming Tang, Huiyan Wu, Jun Huang Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences PLVI-SLAM 0.2767 0.0994 0.3383 0.1675 0.0097 0.2813 0.8183 0.6654 0.4205 18.3380 0.6113 25.71 Doc
3 Jianhua Zhang, Shengyong Chen, Mengping Gui, Jialing Liu, Luzhen Ma, Kaiqi Chen Zhejiang University of Technology MMF-SLAM 0.1203 0.0834 0.1760 0.1407 0.0010 0.3214 0.0102 0.0000 0.1235 29.9620 0.9987 12.33 Doc Slides

Competition Chair


We thank Bangbang Yang for his great help in building the website and evaluating the participating SLAM systems.